The most beautiful springs, are those that come after the most horrible winters! Mehmet Murat ildan |
Often, when we transit the Lochside, we do meet some opposition to paying for a fishing permit. The most recent one involved a discussion with an individual who believed that because the LRCA do not stock the Loch, we cannot therefore charge for a permit - it helps to have the relevant Act and its sections on the tip of your tongue, (Scottish Freshwater Fisheries Act 2003, Section 48), but I'm starting to think we might want to opt for more drastic measures
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"You might want to rethink that refusal to buy a permit" |

and I'm reliably informed that the Ospreys are back, although I've yet to tick those off my list, this year.
There is a charity in Scotland called "Keep Scotland Beautiful". https://www.keepscotlandbeautiful.org/
Who have a stated aim of delivering Sustainable Development Education, usually to schools. Over the period 12th of May to the 20th of May 2018 they are promoting a Roadside Litter Campaign, using the by line, Give your litter a lift, take it home.
The twitterfeed above says it all - how irritating is it when you travel around our roads and see discarded Costa coffee cups and other fast food debris, clearly tossed out of a car window by unthinking motorists. We've signed up to the campaign, so look out for some of the posters on a lamppost near you shortly.Every month, 50 tonnes of litter is abandoned on Scottish roadsides. Sign up to our #WeekOfAction to receive campaign collateral to help spread the word to #GiveYourLitterALift https://t.co/iuzxnuVBTW pic.twitter.com/vYom6wrNKW— Keep Scotl Beautiful (@KSBScotland) April 22, 2018
This month we were tweeting.....
A typical Saturday along the shore of Loch Rannoch. Fishermen, campers, caravans and litter picking. pic.twitter.com/p8yIrLGj14— Conservation_Officer (@RannochLRCA) April 14, 2018
Between the 11th and 26th of May, you will see small groups of back packers, (usually of a certain vintage, but I only whisper that very quietly), walking West to East on both sides of Loch Rannoch. If you were wondering, these are TGO Challengers, (The Great Outdoors Magazine). This regular event is a very personal challenge, backed up with safety support from the magazine, where individuals traverse Scotland from the West coast to the East Coast. You can use any route you choose, mixing high and low level terrain, and you can also stay in hotels and bed and breakfast establishments with the TGO team simply offering advice and guidance, and some back up support in terms of a safety net, if you are overdue checking in at set times along the way.A board meeting with a difference. The LRCA board being shown the realities of a warden's Saturday afternoon pic.twitter.com/XZn2GKjuvm— Conservation_Officer (@RannochLRCA) April 28, 2018
I always make a point of talking to them as they pass my front gates, and we often have a chat over a cup of tea, You can find out more here: TGO Challenge
This is a novel one, the Woodland Trust's "Bluebell Watch", Woodland Trust - Bluebell Watch

Scottish Natural Heritage's latest newletter urges you to "Get Active Outdoors", and to "Think of Scotland’s outdoors as an open-air gym that’s free to use, open 24/7 and right on your doorstep", can't argue with that, and you can find out more here: SNH - Get Active Outdoors
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